Turkey Green Industry Project, which will be realized with the support of the World Bank, is being realized!

The project, which is carried out in partnership with KOSGEB, TÜBİTAK and the Ministry of Industry and Technology, consists of three components.

In the first component, KOSGEB will provide reimbursable support for the green transformation activities of SMEs. With this support, activities to be carried out by manufacturing enterprises in thematic areas such as renewable energy, resource efficiency, waste management, circular economy, etc. will be supported.

In the second component, TÜBİTAK will target companies engaged in green innovation activities involving the development of new green technologies, products or processes in Turkey or in other markets. Green start-ups, SMEs, large firms or consortia of firms can apply for support, which will include R&D, prototype development, standard development and new product or process development that contribute to green production or higher energy and/or resource efficiency.

The Ministry of Industry and Technology will ensure the effective management of the project by carrying out the Project Management, Needs Analysis, Capacity Building, Green Industry Academy, Green Monitoring System and Promotion and Dissemination work packages under the technical support component of the project.

Green Industrialization is seen as critical in terms of increasing circular economy and renewable energy capacity in the industry, increasing productivity, producing green growth-oriented products within the country and improving competitiveness at national/international level.

Manufacturing SMEs by KOSGEB within the scope of the project;

Evaluating the renewable energy potential of our country, Raising awareness on the use of environmentally friendly technologies, Developing capacities to reduce energy costs,

With the aim of environmental sustainability, competitiveness, investment opportunities, digitalization and assurance in resource supply, it is aimed to improve their capacities for environmental sensitivity and more efficient consumption of resources.

Increasing the use of renewable energy resources and prioritizing energy security and sustainability in activities related to clean and reliable energy transformation in industry. Reducing energy and water consumption in production, managing waste, machinery modernization and product life cycle management will be prioritized within the framework of clean and circular economy concepts.

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